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Class: AddressPart

Documentation: A character string that may have a type-tag signifying its role in the address. Typical parts that exist in about every address are street, house number, or post box, postal code, city, country but other roles may be defined regionally, nationally, or on an enterprise level (e.g. in military addresses). Addresses are usually broken up into lines, which are indicated by special line-breaking delimiter elements (e.g., DEL)

Template Slots
  Slot Name Documentation Type Cardinality
charset For character-based encoding types, this property specifies the character set and character encoding used. The charset shall be identified by an Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) Charset Registration [] in accordance with RFC 2978 []. String 0:1
compression Indicates whether the raw byte data is compressed, and what compression algorithm was used. String 0:1
label A short human readable string indicating the content of the instancehuman-readable string for the instance String 0:1
language The language of a string or the language used to write the expression in a function. String 0:1
members Element in a set, list, or bag :THING 0:*
nullFlavor If a value is an exceptional value (NULL-value), this specifies in what way and why proper information is missing. Class 0:1
type "type" epresents the fact that every data value implicitly carries information about its own data type. Thus, given a data value one can inquire about its data type String 0:1
value A data value String 0:1

Own Slots
  Slot Name Value
alias ADXP
semantic_properties CS type;
:ROLE Concrete

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Generated: 10/04/2006, 1:24:54 PM, Pacific Daylight Time

The SAGE project was supported in part by grant 70NANB1H3049 of the NIST Advanced Technology Program. Protégé is a trademark of Stanford University, Copyright (c) 1998-2006 Stanford University.