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Metaclass: ClinicalDrug

Documentation: A clinical drug is the description of a generic drug formulation that has ingredients, strength, and dose form (e.g., lisinopril 10 mg oral tablet)

Template Slots
  Slot Name Documentation Type Cardinality
code The code (in a terminology system) that represents a concept String 1:1
codedSystemVersion Version of code system in a concept descriptor String 0:1
codeSystem Identifier for the code system ObjectIdentifier 0:1
codeSystemName String name of code system String 1:1
displayName A name or title for the code, under which the sending system shows the code value to its users. String 0:1
Dose_Form The formulation and method of adminstration (oral tablet) for a clinical drug CodedValue 0:1
label A short human readable string indicating the content of the instancehuman-readable string for the instance String 0:1
nullFlavor If a value is an exceptional value (NULL-value), this specifies in what way and why proper information is missing. Class 0:1
originalText The text or phrase used as the basis for the coding. EncapsulatedData 0:1
qualifier Specifies additional codes that increase the specificity of the the primary code. ConceptRole 0:0
translation A set of other concept descriptors that translate this concept descriptor into other code systems. ConceptDescriptor 0:0
:ROLE   {Abstract, Concrete} 0:1

Own Slots
  Slot Name Value
:ROLE Concrete

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Generated: 10/04/2006, 1:24:56 PM, Pacific Daylight Time

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