Class: ConceptRoleWithConceptValue
Documentation: Concept roles whose value is another concept
Template Slots |
Slot Name |
Documentation |
Type |
Cardinality |
inverted |
Indicates if the sense of the role name is inverted. This can be used in cases where the underlying code system defines inversion but does not provide reciprocal pairs of role names. By default, inverted is false. |
Boolean |
0:1 |
label |
A short human readable string indicating the content of the instancehuman-readable string for the instance |
String |
0:1 |
name |
Specifies the manner in which the concept role value contributes to the meaning of a code phrase. For example, if SNOMED RT defines a concept "leg", a role relation "has-laterality", and another concept "left", the concept role relation allows to add the qualifier "has-laterality: left" to a primary code "leg" to construct the meaning "left leg". In this example "has-laterality" is the |
ConceptDescriptor |
0:1 |
nullFlavor |
If a value is an exceptional value (NULL-value), this specifies in what way and why proper information is missing. |
Class |
0:1 |
value |
The value of this slot answers the question, "what was found?". This slot is tightly bound the the "code" slot to describe an observation.The concept that modifies the primary code of a code phrase through the role relation. For example, if SNOMED RT defines a concept "leg", a role relation "has-laterality", and another concept "left", the concept role relation allows adding the qualifier "has-laterality: left" to a primary code "leg" to construct the meaning "left leg". In this example "left" is the CR.value.A data value |
Class |
0:1 |
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Generated: 10/04/2006, 1:24:57 PM, Pacific Daylight Time
The SAGE project was supported in part by grant 70NANB1H3049 of the NIST Advanced Technology Program. Protégé is a trademark of Stanford University, Copyright (c) 1998-2006 Stanford University.