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Class: Encounter

Documentation: A patient event record identifying a clinical care activity involving a patient and one or more clinical providers

Template Slots
  Slot Name Documentation Type Cardinality
activityTime A time expression specifying when an Observation, Procedure, or other Act occurs, or, depending on the mood, is supposed to occur, scheduled to occur, etc. It tells you when the labor was done for an Act. The activityTime includes the times of component actions (such as preparation and clean-up)For Procedures and SubstanceAdministrations, the activityTime can provide a needed administrative / scheduling function by providing a more complete time that needs to be anticipated for particular acts. TimeInterval 0:1
careProvider The practitioner who interacted with the patient in an encounter Agent 0:1
code This code specifies the type of encounter.The code (in a terminology system) that represents a concept CodedValue, ConceptExpression 0:1
effectiveTime Time during which the information is valid TimeInterval, Function, VMR_Query, Variable 0:1
label A short human readable string indicating the content of the instancehuman-readable string for the instance String 0:1
location The location of the encounter CodedValue 0:1
patient The patient involved in the encounter Agent 0:1
pertinentInformation The encounter can be linked to one or more diagnoses. Observation 0:*
reasonCode A code specifying the motivation, cause, or rationale.A code specifying the motivation, cause, or rationale of an Act, when such rationale is not reasonably represented as an ActRelationship of type "has reason" linking to another Act. CodedValue, ConceptExpression 0:1

Own Slots
  Slot Name Value
:ROLE Concrete

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Generated: 10/04/2006, 1:24:49 PM, Pacific Daylight Time

The SAGE project was supported in part by grant 70NANB1H3049 of the NIST Advanced Technology Program. Protégé is a trademark of Stanford University, Copyright (c) 1998-2006 Stanford University.