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Class: Evidence_Statement

Documentation: An Evidence_Statement class allows a statement like “for the treatment of hypertension, presence of diabetes is a compelling indication for the use of ACE inhibitor (Strength of evidence ICSI grade 1 conclusion, see references “great big clinical trial in the sky” and “jnc 7 guideline”)

Template Slots
  Slot Name Documentation Type Cardinality
from a criterion that defines the patient condition that is relevant to the relation to the intervetnionThe source concept in Concept_Relationship Criterion 0:1
label A short human readable string indicating the content of the instanceEach instance has a unique label that can be assigned by the guideline modeler. The label should be descriptive of the guideline element. Labels have no programmatic meaning.human-readable string for the instance String 0:1
references Sources of information regarding this concept-to-concept relationship. Supplemental_Material 0:*
relationship_qualifier Any qualifier this relationship may have (for example, "compelling" indication or "absolute" contraindication) ConceptDescriptor 0:1
relationship_type ideally one of a set of symbols for allowable types, (e.g., compelling indication) as yet undefined ConceptDescriptor 1:1
statement_subject This slot specifies the suject matter of the evidence statement (e.g., prophylaxis of X or management of hypertension). ConceptDescriptor 0:1
strength_of_evidence The coded grade of evidence Class 0:1
to a terminology concept code representing the intervention being consideredThe target in concept relationship ConceptDescriptor 0:1

Own Slots
  Slot Name Value
:ROLE Concrete

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Generated: 10/04/2006, 1:24:58 PM, Pacific Daylight Time

The SAGE project was supported in part by grant 70NANB1H3049 of the NIST Advanced Technology Program. Protégé is a trademark of Stanford University, Copyright (c) 1998-2006 Stanford University.