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Class: Guideline_Metadata

Documentation: Meta data for a guideline encoded using SAGE guideline model. The list of attributes that should be part of this class is subject to discussion.

Template Slots
  Slot Name Documentation Type Cardinality
category The National Guideline Clearninghouse category of the guideline.National Guideline Clearninghouse category of the guideline Class 1:*
date Date when the resource is "published" PointInTime 0:1
developer Developers of the resource String 1:*
endorsements Entities who have reviewed and endorse the recommendations made by this guideline. String 0:*
external_review The entities external to the guideline encoders who have reviewed this encoded guidleline. String 0:1
identifier A unique identifier of the resource String 0:1
knowledge_development The individuals and organizations who developed the knowledge used in this guideline. String 0:1
label Each instance has a unique label that can be assigned by the guideline modeler. The label should be descriptive of the guideline element. Labels have no programmatic meaning.A short human readable string indicating the content of the instancehuman-readable string for the instance String 0:1
publisher Publishers of the resource String 0:*
release The description of the release or issue to the general community.The description of the release or issue to the general community String 0:1
revision_plan The intended sequence of changes to this encoded guideline. String 0:1
source_urls URLs for web-based versions of the source material for this encoded guideline. UniversalResourceLocator 0:*
title Title of the resource String 0:1
version The version of this encoded guideline.string indicating version of resource String 1:1
version_notes notes on different versions of guidelineA collection of version notes VersionNote 0:*

Own Slots
  Slot Name Value
:ROLE Concrete

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Generated: 10/04/2006, 1:24:50 PM, Pacific Daylight Time

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