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Class: Route

Documentation: Route nodes permit the expression of 'cascading' Transition conditions (e.g. "if condition-1 then Activity-1 else if condition-2 then Activity-2 else Activity 3.") They can also be used as purely branching and synchronization nodes with no other semantics.

Template Slots
  Slot Name Documentation Type Cardinality
description A paragraph describing the nature of the instance String 0:1
label Each instance has a unique label that can be assigned by the guideline modeler. The label should be descriptive of the guideline element. Labels have no programmatic meaning.A short human readable string indicating the content of the instancehuman-readable string for the instance String 0:1
scheduling_constraint Criteria which must be true in order for a particular Activity Graph node to be activated. IMP: Don't worry about it for now. Do not use unless there is no other way Criterion 0:1
transition_restriction Specifies control information in relation to activities preceding and following a given activity graph node. It has two elements: Join Constraint and Split Constraint. Join Constraint may be AND (all incoming transitions must be evaluated to true before this node may commence) or XOR (only one incoming transition must evaluate to true). Split Constraint may be AND (all following transitions must be evaluated) or XOR (outgoing transitions are evaluated until one evaluates to true; that target node and no other is activated).Specifies control information in relation to activities preceding and following a given activity graph node. It has two elements: Join Constraint may be AND (all preceding nodes must be evaluated before this node may commence) or XOR (only one preceding node must complete). In all cases, the transition restriction must evaluate to true before the node may be activated. Split Constraint may be AND (all following nodes must be evaluated) or XOR (outgoing transitions are evaluated until one evaluates to true; the target node and no other is activated). Transitin_Restriction 0:1

Own Slots
  Slot Name Value
:ROLE Concrete

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Generated: 10/04/2006, 1:24:53 PM, Pacific Daylight Time

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